Chihuahuan Desert Dirt Fest: February 16,17 & 18, 2012

Contrabando Trails, BBRSP - photo by Crystal Allbright

Contrabando Trails, BBRSP - photo by Crystal Allbright

Save the dates for the next edition of the Chihuahuan Desert Dirt Fest: February 16-18, 2012.

Desert Sports and Texas Parks and Wildlife at Big Bend Ranch State Park are teaming up again to present 3 full days of fun desert riding over Presidents’ Day Weekend in 2012. In 2011 we hosted rides in Big Bend National Park, Big Bend Ranch State Park and the Lajitas Resort Trails – some of the best riding in the whole Big Bend area. Last year we celebrated the newly dedicated IMBA EPIC ride in the State Park, the Fresno/Sauceda Loop. In 2012 we continue the tradition with rides on the Contrabando trails, the Rincon Loop and the Lajitas trails. We’ll be working on some new options for the upcoming year’s schedule of events and may even include an opportunity for doing the EPIC as a 2-day ride for folks wanting a more leisurely pace.

We are still working on a final schedule of rides and events, so stay tuned and check back for more information.

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2 Responses to Chihuahuan Desert Dirt Fest: February 16,17 & 18, 2012

  1. robert oslin says:

    guys, I attended the fest this year and remember seeing various photographers snapping shots of us during and before each ride. were those photos published anywhere?

    • Mike Long says:

      You can find some links to 2012 Bike Fest photos from our web page (sorry, page not available), these links take you to photos by Crystal Allbright. There were a few photographers there from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and you could contact Barrett Durst at BBRSP, Sauceda Ranger Station for more info on those folks.