Big Bend Daily Report

Last Updated: Friday, December 6, 2024
Updated Monday-Friday; most information provided by Big Bend National Park.

Howdy! Desert Sports’ Hours are 9 am – 6 pm, seven days a week. For updates on river and mountain bike trail conditions in the Big Bend of West Texas, please give us a call at 432-371-2727.

Keep up with Terlingua’s changing weather conditions at The Weather Channel.


Today (12/6/24)TonightTomorrow (12/7/24)3-Day Forecast
Today (12/6/24)
Mostly cloudy with a 20% chance of rain. Winds will be from the northeast at 10-15 mph.
Highs: 40-65°F
Sunset: 5:54 p.m.
Mostly cloudy with isolated showers. Winds will be from the northeast at 10-15 mph.
Lows: 45-50°F

Tomorrow (12/7/24)
Mostly cloudy with a 20% chance of rain. Winds will be from the northeast at 10-15 mph.
Highs: 45-60°F
Lows: 40-45°F
Sunrise: 7:34 a.m.
3-Day Forecast
SUN-MON: Sunny to partly cloudy with a cold front expected on Tuesday.
Highs: 45-75°F
Lows: 30-45°F

Temperature and Precipitation

Location Yesterday Today Precipitation
High Low 8 am 24 hr Month Year
Panther Junction (elev 3750′) 62°F 47°F 47°F 0.00 in. 0.00 in. 5.11 in.
Chisos Basin (elev 5400′) 60°F 44°F 46°F 0.00 in. 0.00 in. 6.83 in.
Rio Grande Village (elev 1850′) 66°F 53°F 56°F 0.00 in. 0.00 in. 3.09 in.
Castolon (elev 2170′) 73°F 550°F 57°F 0.00 in. 0.00 in. 3.01 in.
Persimmon Gap (elev 2865′) 63°F 52°F 57°F 0.00 in. 0.00 in. 3.05 in.
Lajitas (elev 2340′) 74°F 47°F 55°F 0.00 in. 0.00 in. 3.45 in.

River Levels

Gauge Location Flood Stage Today Yesterday Stage (today)
Presidio 15.50 ft. 14 cfs 13 cfs 4.10 ft.
Castolon 15.50 ft. 8 cfs 8 cfs 2.06 ft.
Johnson's Ranch 15.50 ft. 0.00 cfs 0.00 cfs 2.36 ft.
Rio Grande Village 13.00 ft. 34 cfs 46 cfs 2.04 ft.
Dryden 59.00 ft. 378 cfs 392 cfs 4.80 ft.
Foster's Ranch 14.00 ft. 212 cfs 210 cfs 1.41 ft.

Park Campgrounds

For national park campgrounds availability call Big Bend National Park (Panther Junction) at 432-477-2251. For state campground availability call Big Bend Ranch State Park (Ft. Leaton) at 432-229-3613 or B.A. Warnock Visitor Ctr. (Lajitas) at 432-424-3327.