Chihuahuan Desert BIKE Fest

Lajitas Trails

Howdy all! We’ve made a slight change to the event name – take out the DIRT and put in BIKE for the Chihuahuan Desert Bike Fest. Why? Well, a corporate entity owns the two words Dirt Fest and sharing is not an option. We’ll still have a fantastic, intimate mountain bike celebration February 14-16, 2013. Check back for updates and see you on the trails!


One Response to Chihuahuan Desert BIKE Fest

  1. Chris Gorman says:

    Love the new event name. I’m no dirt expert but the ground seemed more like sand, gravel, or hard dust. As a “Bike” fest, maybe you can add a couple of road/tour bike venues – just a thought.

    See you February 2013

    Chris Gorman